Showing 277–288 of 329 results

Spinach Lasagna – 300 gr


Spring Check Valve PN 10/16

  • The valve is used as a one-way flow valve to prevent backflow on industrial and construction installations
  • Utilized in all water line systems and all non-corrosive liquids with a maximum temperature of 80°c
  • Body made of ductile iron (GJS400) EN 1563 (DIN 1693) even in PN 10 valves.
  • The wedge of ductile iron (GJS400) encapsulated with vulcanized EPDM resistant against friction and hammer effects
  • Flange face to face dimension according to EN 558 (DIN 3202-P1-F6)
  • Flange drilled to EN 1092-P2 (DIN 2501)
  • Opening range proportional to water pressure
  • Minimum opening differential pressure 0.1 bar
  • Minimum closing differential pressure 0.5 bar
  • Suitable for installing in the vertical position
  • Fast closing of the wedge with spring pressure and preventing the return of water (suitable) in pumping stations where the return of water causes impact and is harmful to the system.
  • When installing the valve, pay great attention to the direction of the arrow on the body

Stand Post Hydrant, Model M2


Stand Post Hydrant, Model M2
This hydrant is used in residential industrial areas and places where safety equipment is necessary

for fire extinguishing purpose

Operates in all climatic conditions

Equipped with 1*4″ and 2*2.5″ outlets as to standard ISIRI 2481

Sealing direction upward. This improves the better sealing of the gate due to the pressure of the flow. In case of any impact to the valve, the upper part detaches while no leakage occurs

Body, bonnet, and extension pipes are made of ductile cast iron GJS400 EN 1563 (DIN 1693). The lower part is located underground coated with epoxy powder (resistant against corrosion) and the upper part is located on the ground, coated with polyester (resistant against sunlight)

Gate rubbers, NBR, changeable

Inner parts are made of anti-corrosion materials (stainless steel, bronze)

Standard parts (bolts and nuts…) are galvanized coated

Self-discharge system to prevent freezing in wintertime

Protection guard to prevent steal of brass parts

Couplings are made of forged aluminum with unique stability and are resistant to impact

Coupling caps are made of non-recycled plastics

Hydraulic tests as to standard ISIRI 2481

Protection rubber on the nuts to prevent corrosion and easy screw and unscrew

Sultana raisin

Model :
Description :high energy; low fat;71%carbohydrates; 5gr of fibers; 1220 KJ energy; enriched with B, C, and D vitamins, Iron, Potassium, Calcium; preventing colon cancer; controlling blood sugar
Company name :Shokooh Bonab
Packaging :
Minimum order :1
Standard :
Production power :



Sumac is a sour tasting spice which can be very useful in cooking. It comes organically from small trees in the woods around Sardasht-W.A-Iran and Duhok-Iraq.
You may like to take this pure organic spice for offering in your markets.

Sun dried raisin

Model :
Description :high energy; low fat;71%carbohydrates; 5gr of fibers; 1220 KJ energy; enriched with B, C, and D vitamins, Iron, Potassium, Calcium; preventing colon cancer; controlling blood sugar
Company name :Shokooh Bonab
Packaging :
Minimum order :1
Standard :
Production power :
Store:  Shokooh Bonab
0 out of 5

Sunflower Seed


Model :                                                          Loura Yours(including different tastes)

Description:                                                Calories: 173. Protein: 5 grams. Fat: 16 grams, including 9 grams of monounsaturated fat.

Company name :                                        Nahal Pistachio Agricultural Co

Packaging :                                                   Packet

Minimum order :                                      1

Standard :                                                    GMP, ISO 22000:2005, Halal

Production power :                                   –

Surgical Light


Luminous LED 5

  • Multicolor Medical LEDs
  • The capability of Imaging Surgery Area Using Full HD Camera (Optional)
  • Light Focus Adjustment
  • Controllability Using Smart Hospital System
  • Color Temperature Adjustment
  • Integrated Laser Pointer
  • Emergency Battery Backup (Optional)
  • Monitor display for showing surgery required images
  • Video conferencing
  • Controllability using mobile, tablet, and remote control

Sweet Eggplant seeds


Solanum melongena


  • Start plants indoors 2 months before the soil warms up or buy nursery transplants just before planting.
  • Place 3 to 4 inch tall seedlings 24 to 30 inches apart in well-prepared beds.
  • Pinch out the terminal growing points for a bushier plant.


  • Stake plants over 24 inches tall.
  • Water well and apply a balanced fertilizer every two weeks during the growing season.
  • For bigger fruits, restrict to five or six per plant.

Sweet Iranian Apricot


How to order the product

You can order it online if you are connected to the internet
You can visit the head office directly and in person

Sweet Iranian cantaloupe


How to order the product

You can order it online if you are connected to the internet
You can visit the head office directly and in person
If you can’t find the two methods above, you can order your product by phone