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Attenuator Male/Female Fiber Optics




 Operation wavelength (NM)



 FC , SC ,ST ,LC , MU

 Attenuation (DB)


 Return Loss (DB)

 PC≥45, UPC≥ 50 , APC ≥60

 Attenuation Accuracy (DB)

 +/- 0.5  (1-10 db), +/-1.0 (11-30 db)

 Polarization Dependent loss

 ≤0.2 db
 Operation Temperature (C)

 – 40 ~+80

 Storage Temperature (C)

 – 50 ~ +85

Micro COD


Micro COD pipes are produced to facilitate branching from COD pipes with lower volume and fiber optic cable transmission capacity with low diameter, and due to installation speed and minimal damage and ring resistance (Ring Stiffness) at a minimum depth, can be broken.

Power Meter Active Fiber Optics


Power meter: FPM-302 

The EXFO FPM-302-FOA-54 Fiber optic Power Meter SC is a handheld optical power meter with an SC connector configuration that that can be used to examine a variety of electrical and fiber optic networks. It integrates the FLS-300 Light Source and FOT-300 Optical Loss Test Set to increase its versatility and breadth in troubleshooting and evaluating installations. These units can be used to transmit a wavelength-identification digital encrypted protocol which allows the FPM-302 to use the proper calibration parameters, decreasing error and making communications simpler.

The FPM-302 line is capable of testing PONs at the 1310, 1490, and 1550 nm wavelengths with a power range of 10 to -60 dBm (uncertainty of ±5%) and a resolution of 0.01 dB. This device is also capable of performing automatic offset nulling, automatic wavelength recognition, tone detection at a 270Hz level, and has a refresh rate of 3Hz. The FPM-302 offers a total of ten calibrated wavelengths with the associated reference values and has power autonomy measured at over 300 hours.

Power Source Active Fiber Optics


Power Source: FPM-602 

Automatically uses the proper calibration parameters when combined with the FLS-300 or FOT-300 source units.
With a high-power option and 10 calibrated wavelengths, the FPM-300 is the most complete, yet simple power meter available. Combined with the FLS-300 or FOT-300 source units, which can transmit with a wavelength-identification digital encrypted protocol, the FPM-300 automatically uses the proper calibration parameters. This auto-wavelength recognition feature reduces the need for communication between the two technicians and decreases the potential for error.

SC Adaptor Passive Fiber Optics

 Item  Standard

 Insertion loss (DB)

 ≤0.2 db

 Return loss (DB)

 PC ≥ 45 db

 Durability (DB)

 1000 times ≤ 0.2 db

 Temperature cycle (C)

 -40 ~ +80


 10~ 55 Hz (2hr) ≤0.2 db

SC Connector Passive Fiber Optics



The SC is a snap-in connector that is widely used in single mode systems for its performance. The SC connector is also available in a Duplex configuration. They offer low cost, simplicity, and durability. SC connectors provide for accurate alignment via their ceramic ferrules.  They feature a 2.5 mm Ferrule and molded housing for protection. Typical matched SC connectors are rated for 1000 mating cycles . View all Fiber Optic Connectors.

Straight Connector


The street connector is used for direct connection (axis to axis) of two micro ducts. This interface provides a fast, easy and secure connection that also has the ability to seal the micro document.

Sub Duct


These pipes are fitted to install light cables into communication channels and are produced in 3 and 4 plies. They are black high-density polyethylene (HDPE) pipes and should be packed in the length of 255 m, dia. 120 cm, using winding m/cs in a fully circular form.